Opertional consultancy services

Give a voice to your brand

Ressources creation

We will analyse and organise every aspect of your development to make your company grow wisely & sustainably.

Anywhere & at the right time.

From it, we’ll create precious content for your online development, and sustain your long term vision.

Ressource diffusion

In depth knowledge of international business, marketing, and consumer behavior.

We privilegiate to support projects connected with  sustainability, new technologies, education, innovation, with a strong interest in food & beverages.

Then we push content through various communication channels.


Share us your passion for your business

We develop content align with you and your target

We implement, you sell, simple

Develop Expand & Grow !

LinkedIn Ghostwriting

Boost your online presence on LinkedIn and share your passion. Create a tribe approach around your brand, and open the door for opportunities. 

Content Writing & Cold emailing

Engage and captivate your audience with persuasive and high-quality content. Drive brand awareness, generate leads, and nurture customer relationships.

LinkedIn Lead Generation

Unlock the power of LinkedIn for business growth. Harness its potential to generate high-quality leads, build valuable connections, and expand your professional network.

Your entrepreneurial story & expertise matter.

Share the details of your dream with us and will explore the possibilities together. 

How We Work

We share your vision 

Who is better than you to talk about your business?

But sometimes :

  • You don’t have time to plainly utilize the power of networking to build your brand.
  • You are not comfortable with content writing
  • You are interested to boost your international sales


1 . Together we build your online qualified audience and reach international leads.

2. Simply, we ease your international BtoB lead generation. And we grow your audience. 

3. Further, we can work on your complete export strategy with the adapted market entry mode.



Henri Ford

” If you always do what you’ve always done, you won’t get any further than where you’ve always been. “

Steve Jobs

” The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do “

Robert Louis Stevenson

” Don’t judge each day by your harvest, but by the seeds you planted “

Designed for the world

Active learners & Adventurers, we became passionate about international business.

Teachers too, we share our passion and uncommon decision-making process.

No single solution exists, let’s design your own!

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Pune, India

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